r/EntitledPeople - In today's Reddit stories, OP's Karen neighbors decide to take over a part of OP's property by building on it and fencing off this portion of land from OP, thinking it somehow made them entitled to it. After OP tries to show them exactly where the property lines are, the neighbors begin to insist that since they had already started to use this land anyway, OP might as well just let them have it. Here's how it all played out.
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00:00 Post 1 by u/Meriketh
08:17 Post 2 by u/Much_Seaweed5111
11:10 Post 3 by u/ExtracheesyBroccoli
-This video contains significant original commentary and complies with YouTube channel monetization policies. Thanks YouTube!
These are readings and reactions of posts found primarily on Reddit.
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