r/ProRevenge - In today's Reddit stories, a Karen moves in next door to OP's property and immediately starts to make life in the neighborhood a living hell. From faking a dog attack to get her neighbor's dog put down, to killing trees on OP's orchard, a series of incidents would occur over the years. Eventually this Karen makes a huge mistake when she tears down an old building to build a new one in its place, encroaching on OP's private property. OP would finally have an opportunity to take down this Karen once and for all. Here's how they got revenge.
Stay tuned for more #redditstories!
▶️Check this out!:
r/IDontWorkHereLady Karen Stands In Front of CAR to BLOCK Me From Leaving! Thinks I'm a Worker!
• r/IDontWorkHereLady Karen Stands In F...
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00:00 Post 1 by u/que_he_hecho
04:38 Post 2 by u/gustavotherecliner
-This video contains significant original commentary and complies with YouTube channel monetization policies. Thanks YouTube!
Context: On this channel, our goal is to share people's life experiences while sharing our thoughts and opinions through transformative, original and substantial commentary. We aim to provide unique content not covered by other creators; trying to be as transformative as possible by providing reactions, thoughts, opinions, criticisms, and humor about the situations discussed. In order to create a fresh experience in every video, we hope to make each video varied and different from one another by choosing various subjects to present and react to. All stories and clips are carefully curated by me. I record the voiceovers and edit every video myself in hopes to bring a unique and valuable experience for the viewers.
These are readings and reactions of posts found primarily on Reddit.
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