This is the future of Blender to Unreal Engine pipelines!!! Just have a watch and you will see why ; )
In this video i show how to install both the Blender side add-on and the UE4 plug-in titled Brigge created by Gawain Industries, then i generate an 8000 object level using my own work in progress dungeon generation add-on, export the whole scene into a .brigge and import that directly into a level in UE4.
00:00 - Introduction...
01:33 - Downloading...
02:30 - Install to Blender...
03:10 - Install to Unreal...
04:05 - Generate many of the things...
05:21 - Slap into .brigge...
07:00 - Yeet at Unreal Engine...
08:33 - OMG!!! Much gains...
10:12 - Gief devs cake...
14:46 - Almost forgets patrons...
Sponsored by Gawain Industries: (I probably would of done this for free... but don't tell them that)
/ gawain_industry
Brigge download: (Just buy it the devs are are great guys)
Brigge documentation: (They even have a nice user guide)
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