Hello my Angels!
Don't forget to subscribe for weekly ASMR videos with kimiiiiii 🤗 Every Sunday ❤️
I had fun streaming ASMR on Twitch this past week, I thought this VOD in particular had some tingly sounds hehe.
We made it through the first week of 2021!!! Proud of us :D
I'm currently planning my move back to LA so I've been apartment hunting and touring. Been busy with that these days, super excited to move back and decorate my place! I think it'll be similar to the look in this video, nice and simple and cozy, my favoriteeee
So I'm a few weeks in to meditating consistently and wow the changes have been near instant. I'm not sure if you can relate here, but before meditating, I let myself be blindly followed and sucked under by my emotions. Now when a strong feeling arises, I take a step back to recognize it. I don't fight or resist it, I just observe it. And every single time, it just... passes. And I go about my day.
The trick is to stop fighting feelings, and just allow them to be. Once we allow them to be, they're easier to recognize. And once we recognize them, we can let them go. A great book my friend George recommended that helps with emotions and feelings is: Letting Go, by Hawkins. I haven't finished it yet, but I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend you read it :D I'd like to say I'm a person who feels a lot, but doesn't necessarily have great control over her feelings. I think leading a life lead by unrecognized feelings or feelings out of your control is a very stressful one.
I wish I had time to proof read that to make it sound more eloquent but YOU GUYS PREFER STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS RIGHT (im too lazy rn)
I hope you have a nice day :)
and don't forget to relax
My Hyperx page: http://hyperx.gg/plushys
My Patreon: https://patreon.com/angelsasmr?utm_me...
⭐ f o l l o w m e ⭐
Twitch: / angelskimi
Instagram: / angelskimi
Twitter: / angelskimi
Snowball's IG: / snowballcatcat
Gaming YouTube: / angelskimi
Twitch VOD Channel: / @angelskimivods
(All ASMR VODs will be uploaded here)
Business Email: [email protected]