I need to know what you think are the best HTML5 game programming tutorials.
Try Khan Academy’s lessons on HTML and JavaScript.
I know there are people trying to put coding up there with reading and writing and arithmetic, but too many kids cannot even read English, much less JS.
Well, if Khan Academy can teach them grammar and fractions, I’m sure it can teach you HTML5 and JavaScript.
So I learn the basics of the language. What about learning how to create games?
The Khan Academy lessons end with you creating a JavaScript and HTML game.
Where else can I learn that, other than the site my friends’ kids use to do their homework?
Udacity has a free course on HTML5 game development, though I do not know enough to rate its quality. Code dot TutsPlus dot com has some decent tutorials on HTML5 game development, and that site has a reputation for quality.
At least it is free for me to try.
You could try using sites like PlayCanvas or Construct 2 to make games in HTML5 without coding.
That has even less cred on your resume than saying I know HTML.
CodeAvengers dot com has lessons on building games with JavaScript and HTML5. Or try the HTML5Rocks dot com for their tutorials on making a game on game development.
They certainly got the right name for their site.
Speaking of which, HTML5GameDevelopment dot com has tutorials on HTML5 game development too.
I would have been surprised if they didn’t.
Ray Wenderlich’s website has lessons on how to make a simple game in HTML5, though he references at least one or two different frameworks most people don’t.
HTML5 is the only framework I’m going to worry about.
Mozilla.org has a decent lesson on getting started with HTML5 game development, though it may not be the latest and greatest.
HTML5 is the latest and greatest HTML version, and it is supposed to replace everything from Adobe Flash to web text tags.
Yes, though you’ll still find Adobe Flash on way too many sites. Speaking of old timely methods, you could try the MSDN dot Microsoft dot com website lesson on best practices on HTML5 game development.
That’s like reading about the recent uses of Fortran on Windows XP.
At least it is not as obsolete as the how to program in HTML5 for stupid people books in the library. You could go to the A Harris Books site, though for at least part of the latest book on HTML5 game development for newbies.
I am new at this.
SpyreStudios has a whole list of tutorials for developing HTML5 web browser games.
That’s not much better than searching Google search results. I’d rather try Microsoft’s advice.
Oh, you’re not that desperate.