A recent study published in iScience is gaining a lot of traction and starting conversations regarding the role that the soleus can play in regards to systemic metabolism and glucose regulation.
The soleus is a muscle that is made of primarily type 1 muscle fibers, or slow twitch muscle fibers. In fact, it’s been found that nearly 88% of the muscle is made up of these types of fibers (1). With this being said, we know that the soleus is a work horse for endurance based sports as this muscle can perform sustained levels of activity for extended bouts of time with little fatigue and minimal glycogen utilization for contraction. What this unusual study found was that with the performance of simple seated soleus raises for 270 minutes throughout the day, one can improve systemic metabolism and glucose regulation.
With the soleus being less than 1% of the total muscles that make up the human body, the seated soleus raise could be an interesting tool for those who are looking for ways to better regulate their glucose and systemic metabolism throughout the day. More research needs to be done surrounding this idea but I bet we have you doing seated soleus raises don’t we! Interesting stuff coming out of the University of Houston, what are your thoughts?
We also have to give a shout-out to @hubermanlab for sharing this wealth of knowlegdge! Check out his channel if you haven't already!