Off-grid island farming (BC Farmers' Market Trail Stories, Haida Gwaii BC)

Опубликовано: 08 Октябрь 2024
на канале: BC Farmers' Markets

“When I was 17, I went to a farm and lived there for a year and it changed my life.”

On an off-grid island at the end of the world, Lynda and Laird Dixon’s Maude Island Farm exists on an isolated 10 acre piece of land in Haida Gwaii, accessible only by boat. It’s this very isolation that has bred innovation on the farm. Discover how they learned to “work with what they got” to provide food for their community in this Story from the BC Farmers’ Market Trail.

Meet more local farmers, makers, and artisans at Northern BC Farmers’ Markets:

The BC Farmers’ Market Trail proudly showcases 145+ authentic BC Association of Farmers' Market members across British Columbia. Dedicated to helping local food thrive, the BC Farmers’ Market Trail is your route to fresh, local, in-season food and artisan goods direct from the farmers who produce them.

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