“When you are connected to the food, or at least understand what’s involved to produce it, you appreciate it much, much more.”
Lush, fertile farmland can be found throughout British Columbia’s expansive countryside – but quietly tucked away in downtown Sechelt, Michelle and Paul Nash have built a beautiful testament to urban agriculture. Discover Ruby’s Run Urban Farm and their solution to limited space with backyard farming in this Story from the BC Farmers’ Market Trail.
Meet more local farmers, makers, and artisans at Sunshine Coast Farmers’ Markets: https://bcfarmersmarkettrail.com/regi...
The BC Farmers’ Market Trail proudly showcases 145+ authentic BC Association of Farmers' Market members across British Columbia. Dedicated to helping local food thrive, the BC Farmers’ Market Trail is your route to fresh, local, in-season food and artisan goods direct from the farmers who produce them.
Follow The BC Farmers’ Market Trail:
Instagram: / bcfarmersmarket
Facebook: / bcafm
Twitter: / bcfarmersmarket
Website: https://bcfarmersmarkettrail.com
#BCFMTStories #BCFarmersMarkets #SunshineCoastBC #ExploreBC