“I feel really comfortable in a garden space.”
Nestled between mountains, Meadow Creek is home to Michael Silver’s organic farm, Earth Temple Gardens. In this Story from the BC Farmers’ Market Trail, watch Michael as he navigates farm life, being a single father, and building a community amongst the farm employees and local customers he swaps stories with week to week at the Kaslo Saturday Market.
Meet more local farmers, makers, and artisans at Kootenay Rockies & Columbia Basin Farmers’ Markets: https://bcfarmersmarkettrail.com/regi...
The BC Farmers’ Market Trail proudly showcases 145+ authentic BC Association of Farmers' Market members across British Columbia. Dedicated to helping local food thrive, the BC Farmers’ Market Trail is your route to fresh, local, in-season food and artisan goods direct from the farmers who produce them.
Follow The BC Farmers’ Market Trail:
Instagram: / bcfarmersmarket
Facebook: / bcafm
Twitter: / bcfarmersmarket
Website: https://bcfarmersmarkettrail.com
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