QUEENSBURY--A Queensbury woman is facing rape charges for allegedly having sex with a 15-year-old boy she met at the library where she works.
According to the Warren County Sheriff's Office, the boy was found at 33-year-old Abby Berkheimer home at 2 Queens Way in Queensbury on Wednesday.
The boy's parents tracked him to Berkheimer's home using his cell phone after he didn't return home on time.When they arrived, they called police.
We were contacted by the folks who were concerned about their child's welfare after finding him in the company of a 33-year-old woman. They werent satisfied with the explanation of why they were together, said Lieutenant Steven Stockdale.
Berkheimer works at the Crandall Library in the teen program which is where investigators say she first met the boy and began dating him back in August.
She's been charged with rape, criminal sexual act and endangering the welfare of a child.
She was remanded to the Warren County Correctional Facility on $2,500 cash bail, $5,000 bond.
Berkheimer is currently out on bail but is under court orders to stay away from the boy.