In this tutorial you're going to learn how to solve equations with MATLAB.
To solve a single equation, use fzero() command. The general form of fzero command is:
solution = fzero(@fun, x0)
@fun is the the handle to your function(fun) and x0 is the initial guess.
But for a system of nonlinear equations, you should use fsolve() command.
The general for of fsolve() is the same as fzero():
solution = fzero(@fun, x0)
But the only difference is that in fsolve(), the initial guesss, the solution and the input and output of the function, are vectors.
Link to other tutorials mentioned in this video:
How to define functions in MATLAB :
• Define Functions in MATLAB | MATLAB T...
How to solve equations symbolically:
• MATLAB Symbolic Toolbox | Beginner's ...
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0:00 - Intro
00:13 - Solve an equation in MATLAB using fzero.
01:46 - Solve a system of nonlinear equations with MATLAB
02:10 - Solving a system of equations example
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#laplaceacademy #matlab tutorial for beginners