Sometimes you need your function accept variable number of arguments or return variable number of output arguments. In MATLAB, it is easily done by these commands:
Using variable number of arguments in function definition, gives you a powerful option in developing your codes. MATLAB does a great job in taking care of this issue.
varargin stores all of the input arguments supplied by caller in a cell array. Why cell array? Because the input arguments might be of various types, like strings, numbers, or objects. So, You can't store all of them in an array. That's when we need cell arrays.
You can learn more about cell arrays in this #short video:
• Cell Arrays in MATLAB | MATLAB Tutori...
This video is part of MATLAB Intermediate Course. This course is the successor of Beginner's Guide to MATLAB. So if you are looking for a complete beginner tutorial for MATLAB, Go to this link:
• Beginner's Guide to MATLAB
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0:00 - Intro
00:50 - nargin command, number of input arguments
01:49 - varargin, variable number of input arguments in MATLAB
02:57 - varargin, nargout in MATLAB
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#laplaceacademy #matlab tutorial for beginners