Are you interested in using CoolProp, a powerful thermodynamic properties library, in MATLAB? CoolProp allows you to easily access thermophysical properties of a wide range of fluids, making it an essential tool for engineers, scientists, and researchers.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to install CoolProp in MATLAB, which is a powerful open-source software library for thermophysical properties of fluids. CoolProp provides a comprehensive database of over 120 fluid properties, including density, viscosity, thermal conductivity, and more, making it an essential tool for thermodynamic calculations in engineering and science.
We'll walk you through the step-by-step process of installing CoolProp in MATLAB, including downloading and installing the necessary files and configuring your MATLAB environment to use CoolProp.
Whether you're a student, researcher, or practicing engineer, this tutorial will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to start using CoolProp in your MATLAB projects. So, sit back, relax, and let's get started!
To check if you have python interpreter installed on your computer type:
To install coolprop library in your python interpreter type:
[v,e] = pyversion; system([e,' -m pip install --user -U CoolProp'])
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0:00 - What is CoolProp
0:15 - Installing CoolProp in MATLAB via Python
2:49 - Installing CoolProp in MATLAB using database file
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