The legendary luchador that soared high through the competition will be soaring even higher with WWE® 2K22’s The Flying Fury Pack, AVAILABLE NOW. The attire pack focuses on Rey Mysterio Jr.'s legendary World Championship Wrestling run, picking some of the best masked attires he wore during the '90s. Also included in the pack are his unmasked 1999 gears and a few bonus attires. All 15+ attires requires the completion of the WWE® 2K22 Showcase mode.
WWE 2K22. It Hits 👊 Different 💥 OUT NOW!
It's finally released! Check out the tags below to download. Also, if you have any questions, please refer to the F.A.Q. sheet linked below. Shoutout to these people because this attires pack would not be possible without them -- WhatsTheStatus for the Rey Jr. '97 model, Solluna.Hayashi, NateanRiversX for attire references, itachi, Wiktor, Camden & KelsCreations, Peja12, Super_Luigi for inspiration. Also thanks to JENA for his amazing arenas I used in this video!
00:12 Quick Attire preview (entrance)
01:55 All Attires showcase
07:00 Bonus Attires
Tags: FlyingFury, ReyMysterio, HeyPreezy
Flying Fury F.A.Q. 🔽
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/ heypreezy
※ All gameplay in this video was recorded and edited by myself