Pubic symphysis dysfunction occurs in approximately 1 in 300 pregnant women. Things that I found helped : Belly band support or KT taping. Sleeping in reclined position. Kegel exercises. Lots of pillows between the legs if I'm going to sleep on my side. Ice.
Let me know if you guys are experiencing this and what you've been doing to manage it?
If you guys have any questions - I'd love to answer them in the comment section down below.
Wyatt and I and fairly active on instastories. Follow us @dr.jennale if you are interested in more behind the scenes of medicine/hospital and home life!
Herbal Pregnancy Tea
Nourishing and toning support during pregnancy and postpartum.
1 part Nettle Leaf cut
1 part Red Raspberry leaf cut
1/2 part Alfalfa leaf cut
1/2 part Oatstraw cut
To Prep Infusion:
1. Warm a quart glass jar under hot water
2. Put one large handful of herbal mixture in empty, warm jar
3. Pour boiling water into jar, making sure to stir down herbs
4. Cover jar and leaves overnight to extract nutrients
5. In the morning, pour contents through a fine mesh strainer. discard or compost herbal material
6. Drink entire quart over the day. You may dilute the infusion with water or herbal tea if you wish.
Primrose Oil :
Probiotic :
Maternity Support Belt :
Balloon Labor Demonstration original video - TIPS for OBGYN ROTATION : • TIPS for OBGYN rotation | Residency
In The Jungle by Oshóva @osh-va
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs • (Free Music for Vlogs) Oshóva - In T...