How Wisconsin Will Become The Superpower Of The World In 2028

Опубликовано: 09 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Jack Chapple

There was a recent leak that revealed one of the biggest, most expensive, and arguably, most important projects that humanity will ever make. You see, it was leaked that in roughly 4 years, the center of the world will change. No longer will the world run though New York, Tokyo, Los Angeles, or London. In fact, the new center of the world will be in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin. Some are calling this project the greatest thing humanity may ever achieve, while others are saying it could be the end of everything as we know it…

However, the reasoning behind Wisconsin Becoming a superpower, actually starts with an ancient myth from the island of crete.

You see, the ancient greeks , would tell stories about how the island of crete was uninvadable. And even though we now know that this island had the first thalassocracy, meaning, empire of the seas, the ancient greeks would say it was not because of the minoan navy, but because of a futuristic technology.

They said a bronze robotic automaton named talos, created by the gods, would circle the island of crete and destroy all enemy invaders.

This was arguably the first thought of human artificial intelligence and robotics. A heavily inspired tale from a real technological civilization that was so advanced in one way, that it made future generations attribute true scientific innovation, to the power of the gods.

Over the next few thousand years, ideas of artificial intelligence and robotics would pop up every now and again like from the works of al-jazari, and leonardo da vinci, who dreamed of mechanical machines that could rule the future.

In the 1840s, charles babbage and ada lovelace wrote a paper about how one of the machines could potentially work and reason based on conditions. This would be the first algorithm ever created for a future computer language. Something that would not be created for nearly another 100 years.

Alan Turing repolarized Artificial intelligence by creating the turing machine to crack the germans enigma encrypted code in world war 2.

And over the next 80 years, the rise of ai began ramping up. All of a sudden, this mythological thing that was dreamt of by the biggest dreamers and innovators over the last few thousand years, became a real technology that would be in kids toys, video games, movies, office spaces, and eventually, in everyone pocket.

And now, we are at a point, where 60% of the worlds adult population owns a smartphone. A device that the ancient greeks would think was built by the god Hephaestus himself. And we dont bat an eye to this. We complain when our god like device is a little slow, or doesnt doesnt capture the perfect picture.

We dont view these devices as having god like powers, however, there are two companies that do., and they are putting up major investments to create the biggest, most god like project in human history. To create their own modern day version of a thalassocracy.

And that brings us to modern day mount pleasant wisconsin. The site of this project. Just for comparison…

After adjusting for inflation, The manhattan project cost $30 billion dollars and ended up creating nuclear powers that would have technological might over all of their enemies for decades.

The three gorges dam in China which powers between 5 and 20 million homes every year and played a pivotal role in the country's development, that cost was $37 billion dollars.

And this investment into creating the god, is being funded by microsoft and implemented by Openai. Its an investment that totals $115 billion dollars.
A number that is similar to funding the apollo program for half a decade, or creating the international space station. But those were projects that were funded by governments, this is being funded by essentially two companies. Making it the largest privately funded project in history.

And the goal of this project is to build a datacenter and supercomputer that is way more powerful than anything else in the world.

And just some perspective. The current fastest supercomputer is Frontier which cost $600 million to build in 2021, and consumes 22.7 MW of power.

Microsoft is spending 191 times the amount on this project which is called stargate. And the computer could theoretically be 1000 more powerful than Frontier.

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