This is a chart of the record high credit card debt.
This is a chart of the soaring, adjusted real estate prices in the united states.
And This is a chart showing the rapid increase in the price of consumer goods.
At one point or another, you have probably heard someone talk about one of these charts or topics. And how they point to a bleak future for the world economy.
But there is one thing that no one is talking about, that leaves all of these other economic problems in the dust.
In fact, this chart may be the scariest economic signal, that we have ever seen, and yet no one is paying attention to it.
This little line right here shows with almost certainty, that the global economy as we know it, may be coming to an end, and there isn’t anything we can do about it.
When you think about things that are correlated with humanity, you probably think of something like our ability to adapt, maybe our pollution, maybe our architecture, or maybe something else.
But one thing that might be correlated with humanity, more than anything else, is growth.
Whether its growth of our intelligence, technology, or productivity, humanity for thousands of years has had a general upward trajectory for many important things in relation to our society.
But there is one thing that nearly always grows, no matter what. One thing that has grown through every world war, every pandemic, every golden era, and every dark age, is also something that we based our modern economy off of today.
And that thing, is our population. During world war 1 and 2, despite losing tens of millions of people worldwide, the global population still grew during that decade.
In fact, going back throughout all of human history, there’s only a handful of events that caused a temporary global population decline.
One was the Mongolian conquest in the 1200s, which may have killed upward of 10% of the world population.
The black plague in the 1300s decreased the world population by about 25%.
The crisis of the third century in the roman empire, which was a combination of a plague, hyperinflation, weather events, and foreign invasions, caused a rapid population decline in large cities like alexandria.
And at the same time that this was going on in rome, the crisis of the three kingdoms in China resulted in one of the sharpest population declines in recorded history. The three kingdoms war saw estimates of china losing potentially 60% of its population during the third century.
However, there was one population decline that no one talks about. One that lasted for thousands of years. And was not caused by a war, natural disaster, or pandemic. This population decline came from something different.
It came from a new technology, and the birth of a new economy. You see, humans up until about 12,000 years ago, were still hunters and gatherers. We would go out into the wilderness looking to eat pretty much anything whether it was plants or animals.
But then, something changed. You see, someone in syria came up with an idea that would change humanity. Instead of going out and looking for food from plants, why dont we try to grow our own, right by our village? And so, that one person planted rye, waited for it to grow, and then, voila. The domestication of plants was discovered by humanity.
Now, you might assume that this technology would have been good for humanity, as it allowed humans to have a consistent food supply, and therefore, would lead to humans being able to reproduce more and grow the human population. But thats not what happened. In fact, it may have been somewhat detrimental to humans for thousands of years.
You see, immediately after humans learned how to domesticate plants, life expectancy decreased, infant mortality rose, and the average human height decreased by nearly 4 inches. Along those lines, humans began developing new diseases like iron deficiency anemia, osteoporosis, and obesity. This was largely because humans transitioned to a new type of economy and lifestyle where there were only a few types of plants available to eat. So, it decreased the diversity of our food, in order to increase the overall supply of food, while also allowing humans to become sedentary for the first time in history.
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