The Great Economic Revolution Is Approaching...The End Of Our Era

Опубликовано: 18 Январь 2025
на канале: Jack Chapple

Last year during the economic collapse, several economic events happened. The stock market crashed, unemployment rates hit record levels, and it seemed like every business you could think of was on the brink of bankruptcy. And if these events weren’t bad enough,

...quietly, in the background...something else was happening. Something that we haven’t seen in hundreds of event that could very well change the fabric of our society, culture, and global economy, like we have never seen before...

France in the early 1700’s was the most populated and richest country in europe. And over the following 7 decades, things went pretty well. Mortality rates were declining, GDP continuously increased, Education and literacy skyrocketed, Industrialization was being implemented into the country, and trade with countries like italy and spain, increased by more than 900% during that time.

On its surface, this all seemed great, but in reality, nearly one third of the population of france was living in poverty. And to make things worse, almost the entirety of the middle class was struggling by the year 1770. And those 2 issues, combined with a compilation of government debt, and some burdensome tax policies, led to a new idea.

You see, France at the time had 3 classes of people. You had the clergy, the nobles, and then...everyone else who were largely the middle class and peasants. In fact, 98% of the entire population was in this third class, yet nearly all of the benefits of the current economy went to the nobles and the clergy.

For example, the nobles and the clergy only composed 2% of the population yet had 2 thirds of the say in government. Also, the nobles and the clergy did not have to pay any taxes at all despite them being extremely wealthy.

All this meant was that even though france as a whole country experienced prosperity over the previous 7 to 8 decades, the prosperity really only went to those who were the richest and most powerful people in their society.

And this all came to a head in the late 1700’s when France experienced a big problem. Several years of poor harvests from their farmland led to many people in france going hungry. But, the nobles, the king, and the clergy all seemed to be well fed and were able to pay higher prices and outbid the peasants for food. That, along with the kings inability to collect ample amounts of taxes, and overprinting of the french currency, forced King louis the 16th to call upon all three classes of citizens to get together and figure out a solution.

The third class of citizens wanted the wealthy to pay taxes, and for the government to cut spending. The king mainly just wanted money and to maintain government spending. And the nobles and clergy wanted to not only avoid all taxes, but wanted even more economic benefits from the economic system. And so, it was after this assembly of the king and 3 classes that led to one of the most important moments in the history of the western world.

You see, after the average, hungry, and poor citizens realized that the entire downside of the taxation and economic system was on them, yet they saw little to none of the upside, they decided to revolt and create their own system from scratch, without the nobles or the clergy.

So, the citizens created a revolution, they began rebelling at sites like Bastille, and soon abolished things like feudal rights, Tithes, and unequal taxation of peasants and nobles. They eventually went on to reform their system multiple times, stating that laws and policies come from people, not kings or gods...and should apply to everyone equally.

Now, even though the french revolution may not have been as successful as some may think, some say it went too far, others say not far is important to know this.

During a crisis, average people were hit the hardest and the elite of society experienced almost no downside. The unfair taxation system where the wealthiest paid the least amount in taxes also created an unsettled middle class. The compilation of government debt, The devaluing of currency, The exclusion of the lower class from political positions of power, And the view of rampant inequality between the super rich, and the poor...all of these things led to a complete transformation of society. Does any of this sound familiar to you?

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