What is the fastest way to learn Python?
Go to LearnPython dot org and run through their interactive tutorials. Just enter the inputs in the code window and see the expected output.
I do not think I even know the commands and syntax to get that right.
LearnPython dot org does contain lists of the basic operators, formatting, variables and types.
I need the simpler stuff, like a fast introduction.
Slideshare has a free lesson of learn 90% of Python in 90 minutes.
That definitely qualifies as fast.
If you’re learning about Python, the best place to start is Python dot org.
That sounds like the home page for the language.
Actually, it is. That site has everything from introductory lists of commands to full online tutorials to instructions on how to set everything up to use Python.
As long as I do not have to slog through several hundred pages of material, to try to get the gist of it. That’s both time consuming, and all too often confusing.
They have specific tutorials for C and C++ programmers, as well as resources for true beginners. Or you can go to WikiBooks for the non-programmer’s tutorial on Python.
Programming for non-programmers is definitely my level.
Once you have the basics down, I’d say go over to Code Combat to get good at it.
I’ve never heard of them.
You take on various challenges and have to control a character on an adventure question using commands in Python or another language.
I’ve heard of gamification to make learning and even work fun.
If they make it a game, you’re more likely to retrieve the commands from your memory bank fast to avoid the ogre, than if you’re trying to slog through an online tutorial.
That sounds like at least a fun way to memorize the commands quickly.
And you’ll get good practice for all-nighters as a programmer, though it is more akin to your all night gaming sessions. Or you could slog through the learn Python the hard way video series, which is the fastest way to get up to an advanced level quickly.
I would prefer an easy way that’s also free, and you have to pay for his videos.
It is still cheaper than buying a couple books on the topic. Or you could read the free online content at HetLand dot org slash writing slash instant-python dot html.
Instant would be fast.
We are not in the matrix yet. Try AfterHoursProgramming dot com slash tutorial slash Python slash Introduction to get some good free online tutorials, and an overview of the language, too.
I’d rather do Code Combat all night.