A tutorial that covers the process of making an effect that you can apply to your materials to add sparkles or glitter. Shout out to Dylan Meville (apologies I didn't figure out it was your last name until after recording) • Dylan's Unreal Material Tips #1 - Gli...
and Ben Cloward: • Sparkling Snow Shader - Advanced Mate... for their tutorials that got me 90% of the way to this effect.
Download the Sparkles Texture: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fYNz...
00:00 - Introduction.
03:34 - Creating the Sparkles Texture in Material Maker.
11:18 - Importing the Texture and Creating Sparkles Material Function.
23:22 - Direction Light Mask Function.
27:48 - Adding the Material Functions to our Material.
35:41 - Creating a Landscape for Testing and Discovering UE4 Limitations.
38:40 - Fixing the UE4 limitation. This Step Is Not Required for UE5.
45:38 - Creating a Material Instance for Faster Tweaking.
50:55 - Outro.