INTERVIEW: Rev. Ryan Underwood (Frontline Fellowship, South Africa) & Rev. Donald Veitch (WCF-BCP)

Опубликовано: 08 Февраль 2023
на канале: Rev. Don Veitch, BA, MA, MAR, MDiv, PhD (Cand.)

Ryan gets promoted.

Rev. Underwood speaks about the future with joy, super-widened vision, and with a positive ministry with Front Line Fellowship, Cape Town, South Africa. In the video before this, he spoke of his former seminary (REC and RES) with facts, truth, balance and decency. It was very popular and received wide thanks, although a few immoderate nut-jobs and ecclesiastical pariahs objected. (For that see:    • INTERVIEW: Rev. Ryan Underwood (UECNA...   .) We thank Ryan for his honest, manly and his direct eye-witness report. For that, our gratitude for his honesty, courage, plain-talking and his eye-ear witness reporting.

But, this video is not that. We did a bilge-blow and the ship has sailed for new opportunities. Rather, this is about Ryan's future in South Africa, leaving behind an insular, half-confessional, American Anglican context (each fishing in each others ponds) for a ministry with vision, college work, frontline missions, and more. It's an healthy, positive and joyful outlook. A wonderful transition to leadership as an Assistant to Dr. Peter Hammond, a combat veteran turned missionary. Ryan will serve a Combat Leader. That talks to this Veteran. Grit, strength, commitment and determination are prerequisites. The mature Confessional posture of Frontline Fellowship is on view, not that zero-to-half-confessional, American, Anglican context. Nope to that immaturity. Frontline Fellowship rejoices and uses the Bible, Westminster standards, the Three Forms of Unity, the Thirty-nine Articles plus the BCP. This is broad-minded Reformed Church Prayer Book Churchmanship. This is not a world of chasing tin-foil bureaucracies, prelates, purple shirts, crosses, toys-for-boys and theatrics. Ryan is standing before an entire continent with exposure to 1000s of African churches, colleges, and training conference. As for Dr. Peter Hammond, you can find him here.

Leaving America behind for a while, he'll serve under the tutorship and leadership of Frontline Fellowship, a group with a positive vision and mature theology. It will be fun to support and follow this blossoming young leader. He's been promoted to a larger field of labors. Best wishes and prayers for this young theological Marine.

Should any American viewer wish to write to or support Frontline Fellowship, our American postal address (referenced in video) is: Frontline North America
PO Box 347
Interlachen, FL 32148