The guidelines needed to preserve foods can take years to learn. Information on how to preserve foods at home tends to be difficult to find and often outdated. However, wrong information can be found just about everywhere. Ann Accetta-Scott walks you through common misconceptions about food preservation, old-world practices for fermentation, and some of the myths and missteps surrounding food storage. (Day 1 / Tent B)
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About Ann Accetta-Scott @AFarmGirlintheMaking:
Ann Accetta-Scott is the force behind "A Farm Girl in the Making." Formerly a suburban housewife, Ann has blossomed into a passionate homesteader and farmer in middle Tennessee, embracing a life of self-taught sustainability. With no prior farming background, she champions cooking from scratch, growing food, and clean eating. Ann, a wife and mother of seven, shares her journey, successes, and inevitable do-overs through her online platform, workshops at Acorn Creek Farmstead, and her book, "The Farm Girl’s Guide to Preserving the Harvest." A true teacher and advocate for sustainable living, Ann's 42-acre farm reflects her dedication to a simpler, more rooted life and is an invitation to experience the principles she passionately teaches. Learn more at