Lenise is a spiritual life coach, and working with me helped her to narrow down her target audience, and what's the one or two things to really focus on. That lifted a weight off her shoulders and enrolled more people into her course.
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Using the Claude Projects features to write copy and content
Sales copy and human nature
Sharing content that changes what your audience believes
Emotional beats
Explaining that what you do is helping
Marketing isn't just about marketing
How To Train Chatgpt And Other AI Tools In Your Unique Brand Voice
How to presell your online course or digital product
How to create content for social media with AI (shared examples!)
Claude vs ChatGPT For Copywriting and Social Media Content
How to use Claude to write content that truly matches your brand voice
Write story-infused content in minutes - using AI plus copywriting frameworks
How to Identify Your Perfect-Fit Client
How To Write Copy That Sells - Testimonial From Strategy Session
Online Course Marketing and Sales Strategy Session
Online course launch strategy session
Launch a new offer using market research calls
How to write stories that help you make sales
How to connect your stories to what you're selling
What are the 5 stages of awareness?
How to talk about features vs benefits in marketing copy
How to get clarity on your niche
How to craft offers that sell