It's the channel's 5th birthday, so I thought I'd bake a birthday cake (complete with chocolate sauce)! This isn't just any cake though -- it's the Hello World cake written in the Chef programming language. In this video we answer the most important question: "How does it taste?!".
Chef language specification:
Mike Worth's blog post (Web Archive):
00:00 - Intro
01:35 - Making the " world!" cake
12:01 - Making the "Hello" chocolate sauce
14:56 - Getting the cake out the oven
16:40 - Making the "Hello" chocolate sauce (cont'd)
20:11 - The taste test!
21:31 - Outro
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• Visual Studio Code: • My Visual Studio Code setup! (2024)
• Terminal: • Make your terminal look AMAZING
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If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in the comments! I'll try and answer as soon as I can, providing someone else hasn't already done so.
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