20 тысяч подписчиков
422 видео
HYBRID callables in Python?! - Jankfest
Pausing and resuming playback - Building a discord.py music bot - Part 8
Planning 2 - Building a discord.py music bot
Introduction - Building a discord.py music bot
Python has BIOMETRIC support?!
I just learned THIS cool Linux trick TODAY #linux #coding #howto
THIS is massively misunderstood in Python #python #coding #howto
Reactions and role assignments - Building a discord.py bot - Part 5
Getting to grips with Django (Part 3)
Game development in Python (Part 7)
Clearing messages - Building a discord.py bot - Part 20
Countering profanity - Building a discord.py bot - Part 23
Ruff vs. Flake8 vs. Pylint: SPEED TEST
Displaying an XP leaderboard - Building a discord.py bot - Part 33
Controlling the volume - Building a discord.py music bot - Part 13
Enums in Python are SO useful
Density plots and histograms - Data analysis and visualisation in Python - Part 11
Did you know THIS was possible??? #python #coding #howto
Matplotlib vs. Seaborn - Data analysis and visualisation in Python - Part 9
Retrieving YouTube analytics in Python - How its Done
Function overloading in Python (via dispatch)
Making the bot run - How to build a Twitch bot in Python - Part 1
Searching for music - Building a discord.py music bot - Part 6
YouTubes war against Discord music bots
Introduction to cogs - Building a discord.py bot - Part 9
Making the bot run - Building a discord.py bot - Part 5
Anti-spam with auto-moderation - Building a discord.py bot - Part 25
Python’s imports have some WEIRD secrets #python #coding #howto
5 SIMPLE Pytest tricks to improve your tests
Use THIS neat class trick to save time #python #coding #howto
THIS is the FASTEST way to handle JSON #python #coding #howto
Use THIS in your subclasses #python #coding #howto
How convenient is THIS formatting trick?! #python #coding #howto
You NEED THIS to make better classes #python #coding #howto
Pydantic is OP, heres why
The SMART way to handle arguments dynamically #python #coding #howto
SO many builtins are THIS under the hood #python #coding #howto
You can create CLASS properties?! #python #coding #howto
Liked Pydantic? Youll LOVE Msgspec
THIS is a BETTER way to use lists #python #coding #howto
Numba makes your code FASTER with ONE decorator
Use THIS to help speed up your code #python #coding #howto
I baked the Hello World cake (but everything went wrong)
Are descriptors the most MISUNDERSTOOD part of Python?
THIS is SUPER useful in Python #python #coding #howto
Forget Python, Cython is best friend now
Use THIS to speed up Python quickly #python #coding #howto
ASYNC sockets in Python
Adding cooldowns to commands - Building a discord.py bot - Part 13
Creating the bot on the Discord Developer Portal - Building a discord.py bot - Part 2
Displaying the bots stats and shutting the bot down - Building a discord.py bot - Part 35