20 тысяч подписчиков
422 видео
HYBRID callables in Python?! - Jankfest
discord.py is NOT dead
Install (and uninstall) ANY Python version on Linux
Checkpoint 2 - How to Python
You NEED to know THIS typing concept #python #coding #howto
F-strings in Python 3.12 are AMAZING #python #code #howto
Image manipulation in Python using Pillow
Getting to grips with Django (Part 2)
Sourcery is an INCREDIBLE AI refactoring tool for Python
Discord bots: context menu commands (Python & Hikari)
Rebuilding SQLite from scratch in Python
Is THIS the HARDEST part of Python??? #python #coding #howto
Running Python 3.10 in Sublime Text 3 - How its Done
Welcoming and member commands - Building a discord.py bot - Part 4
Partial functions in Python are SUPER NEAT
Setting up the music cog - Building a discord.py music bot - Part 3
THIS is a SERIOUSLY underrated collections feature #python #coding #howto
Generics are VITAL in typed Python
Python 3.13s new REPL is AMAZING
Youre not supposed to be able to do THIS #python #coding #howto
THIS is a FASTER way to format strings #python #coding #howto
Planning 3 (Part 1) - Building a discord.py music bot
Scheduling tasks (and reviewing our database) - Building a discord.py bot - Part 8
Functools is one of the MOST USEFUL Python modules
What to expect in Python 3.13
Creating CLIs in Python with Click
Pythons magic methods
ALL Python 3.12s major typing improvements
Threading vs. multiprocessing in Python
Mod commands, and basic auto-modding - Building a discord.py bot - Part 6
Discords new timeout feature is AMAZING
You can INDEX iterators?! #python #coding #howto
Planning 3 (Part 2) - Building a discord.py music bot
Building a website in Python with Flask
Handling errors - Building a discord.py bot - Part 7
Muting and unmuting members - Building a discord.py bot - Part 21
I really HATE THIS proposed Python change
Working with reactions - Building a discord.py bot - Part 26
Working with slash commands
Creating a custom help command - Building a discord.py bot - Part 14
HYBRID sync/async functions in Python?!
ASYNC file I/O in Python
Intents - Building a discord.py music bot - Part 2.5
Convert Python programs to EXE
Sending messages, embeds, and attachments - Building a discord.py bot - Part 6
Drawing shapes - Image manipulation with Python & Pillow - Part 3
Speed up your code with THIS easy trick
Commands, errors, and shutdown - Building a discord.py bot - Part 3
THIS is seriously AWESOME
COLOURED logging in Python
Making a modmail / report system - Building a discord.py bot - Part 22