This has been 3 months of every Fallouts 4 NPC getting brutally Nuked, and I thought the speedrunning achievements were hard
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Woah me and Taylor Swift used the explosive matter of a split atom, and exploded everyone in the hit game, Fallout 4, including le boy, named Cr1tikal (his voice is such a 10/10), with the power of big steel cylinders, and another crazy lad who plays Fo4, is Itsjabo, how does he do such insane things, like his videos are twice my length AND HE DOESN’T TAKE 3 MONTHS, that's almost as insane the situation with, Canada and India , If they keep it up imma get involved (I caused it lel). You know what's crazy, Starfield amazing game, hate it, no really do people like it, will it be like the new Cyberpunk 2077 game, do people like it or hate it?, I also LOVE THE PHANTOM LIBERTY UPDATE, (LIBERTY PRIME VIAMENTLY DISLIKES OTHER ECONOMIC SYSTEMS), remember when it was cringe, now they have gawd dang Idris Elba, like how, nani, what in tarnation, random anime sounds, really making me feel like Johnny Cage (insert song random). What is quite possibly almost as weird as that, is the TF2 community loving my amazing, glorious, super, TF2 achievement speedrunning video, the view count is crazy (thank you guys), I really appreciate it. MrBeast is the king of the Forbes list (almost as powerful as me, I ended the writers strike), paying people? LOL how about no, that it gg I beat the strike. Lil Tay can play songs, from the sick band, Metallica, what the heckith who taught her that, but can YOU play Rick and Morty on the electric mandora (what even is that like a guitars guitar?), I have some skill with the guitar, I can play at least 4 songs in not English, THE HUNGER GAMES IS BACK, I WATCHED THE FIRST MOVIE I HAVEN’T SEEN THE REST WHAT HAPPENED, it ended with Dream tied to a bed after some bad Chik Fil A (AAAAAAH I AM ANGYYYY), Bows, how about you net me a shoot shoot, (no reason why), Let game it out, come on now, he broke the game, like I did in those countries. I am so tried from editing this video for like a month, I am finished with this part of Fallout 4, the next vid might very well be uploaded in a timly manor, OR I WILL ACTUALLY GO INSANE, so a normal day…. Yeh
Have good day guys, if you read here, you might be insane.