Every job, every part of human labor and the tasks we do at work, will be affected by the coming paradigm of artificial intelligence gaining human-level reasoning and behavior capabilities.
McKinsey & Company has said that by 2030, they estimate that 30% of U.S. working hours could be automated...
But their AI thought leader Sukharevsky believes 70% of jobs can be automated.
He says: “We got it wrong many times with dotcom and crypto and few other things—but I truly believe it’s the first time in the last 15 years that we see a real platform shift with AI.
A platform shift happens when the cost of production goes down 1,000 times.”
Imagine production costs going down by 1000x?!
The efficiency gains employers stand to benefit from are INSANE.
There's no way around what's coming.
Link to study from 2,700+ AI researchers: https://aiimpacts.org/wp-content/uplo...
⚠️ 🚨 FWIW/PSA: Upskill, Become AI Proof will NOT be out this November. We are talking to a printing division of Penguin, the largest publisher in America, interested in helping us refine and take the book to wide markets. This will add some time to the release date. My co-author, Jeff Joyce, and I think it is worth it. We are excited to release this book to you, when it's ready. Stay tuned for the official date. 🚨 ⚠️
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