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This video walks through how to set up an RDS MySQL instance on Amazon Web Services.
यह वीडियो आपको दिखाता है कि AWS RDS MySQL उदाहरण कैसे सेट अप करें। आप डेटाबेस बनाना, उससे कनेक्ट करना और कुछ क्वेरी चलाना सीखेंगे।
Setting up RDS on AWS can be a bit daunting if you're new to it. This video walks you through the process step-by-step so that you can get your MySQL database up and running in no time.
Aws rds mysql सेटअप थोड़ा मुश्किल हो सकता है, लेकिन यह वीडियो आपको वह सब कुछ बताता है जो आपको इसे पूरा करने के लिए जानना चाहिए। आप सीखेंगे कि आरडीएस इंस्टेंस कैसे बनाएं, इससे कनेक्ट करें और इसे अपने MySQL डेटाबेस के साथ उपयोग करने के लिए कॉन्फ़िगर करें।
In this video, we'll be setting up a MySQL RDS instance on AWS. We'll go through all the steps necessary to get this done, including creating a VPC, subnet, security group, and IAM role. This is a great way to set up a scalable database solution for your web application.
This video will show you how to quickly and easily set up an AWS RDS MySQL instance. You'll learn how to create a database, connect to it, and run queries. This is perfect for anyone who needs to get a MySQL database up and running quickly.
Learn how to set up a MySQL database on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This video covers everything from creating an RDS instance to connecting to the database.
How to configure RDS
How to create RDS
How to configure RDS mysql database