EC2 Instance में IPV6 कैसे आसानी से असाइन करें | How to ASSIGN IPV6 in EC2 INSTANCE
If you have an existing VPC that supports IPv4 only, and resources in your subnet that are configured to use IPv4 only, you can enable IPv6 support for your VPC and resources. Your VPC can operate in dual-stack mode — your resources can communicate over IPv4, or IPv6, or both. IPv4 and IPv6 communication are independent of each other.If you think you only have to enable IPv6 for your EC2 instance, you will be surprised at how complicated it still is to assign an IPv6 address in AWS more than 20 years after the first IPv6 packets were wired through the internet. (I can't believe that I wrote an IPv6 tutorial almost 10 years ago and that I only just started to work with IPv6 recently.)
If you are a Windows admin, you are used to either just enabling DHCP in the network settings for your server or manually entering an IP address, and you are done. In AWS, things are a bit more complicated. This is the list of objects that have to be dealt with:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Think of a VPC as a virtual network that corresponds to a physical network (cables, switches, routers, etc.) The main components of a VPC are the subnet, the route table, and the internet gateway.
Subnet—A subnet is a logical division of an IP network. It essentially defines which IP addresses count as local and are therefore switched instead of being routed. You can house several subnets in your VPC.
Route Table—IP packets that need to be delivered to different subnets than the originating subnet (the internet, for instance) need to be routed. The route table is assigned to the VPC and determines the next destination for these packets.
Internet Gateway—This is the virtual router that will accept those packets with an external destination. The internet gateway is attached to the VPC.
Network Interface—Everything in the cloud is virtual, including network interfaces. Every EC2 instance has at least one network interface.
Security Group—This is Amazon's term for a network firewall. Here, you define which external TCP (and ICMP) packets are allowed to access your EC2 instance.
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