In the first chakra, the entire potential energy of a person, its reserve capabilities and physical, biological might (vitality) are laid. It lays the foundation for the activities of the remaining chakras, as well as for our existence and development (both physical and energy).
The functions of this chakra refer to the most elementary, and at the same time, the most necessary requirements of the body. The realization of basic instincts that guide man and are a priority for the physical body is one of the main tasks of this chakra. The first chakra gives energy for self-defense. To save the life of the body in any case and under any circumstances is the main function of this energy center. Until the conditions for the realization of basic instincts are created, there is no opportunity to rise to the level of the following chakras.
The first chakra provides vital energy to our body, connects the entire energy system of man with the earth and the material world as a whole (it literally is responsible for the shape of our physical body, forms it). If the chakra does not function correctly, the process of destruction begins in the body, it ceases to be physically beautiful, quickly aging. Infringements in work of the first power center, is always a threat to life. Only the normal work of the first chakra keeps the human spirit in the body, like an anchor. The chakra is also responsible for the survival of man as a biological species and offspring (it is in this chakra that the energy necessary for conception is formed).
Physical strength always corresponds to the power of the spirit. The training one you are training and the other. Weak spiritually - weak and physically. Or vice versa: the weak physically is weak and spiritually. This is how you like it.
See all the videos from the "Chakras" cycle: • ЧАКРЫ
See all the films from the Veda cycle: • Веды, veda, वेद