We’re now heading into the Imjin War’s long period of stalemate, the four-year interlude between Hideyoshi’s first and second Korean invasions. It’s going to be a time of growing misunderstanding by both the Japanese and the Ming Chinese as they try to reach a settlement. Japanese forces in Korea, meanwhile, decide to attack the city of Jinju to punish the Koreans and save face after the withdrawal to the south. The slaughter of 60,000 Koreans in the wake of the Second Battle of Jinju (June 1593) will be the worst atrocity committed by the Japanese in the war.
☛☛☛Never miss a video about the IMJIN WAR and other cool stuff! ☚☚☚ / @realsamuelhawley
☛☛☛For the full story, here’s the IMJIN WAR book ☚☚☚http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00N...
☛☛☛I also have an IMJIN WAR section on my website ☚☚☚http://www.samuelhawley.com/imjinwar....