Step by Step Amp Modeling with TONEX and AXE IO Part 2
Amp Modeling with MA450C OVERDRIVE
TONEX is an AI Machine Modeling™ technology and together with my AXE IO Audio Interface allowed me to emulate the sound of my Marshall MA50C amplifier and turn it into a plug-in for my AMPLITUBE 5 application.
The modeling process is pretty much straight forward and intuitive. I've spent more time figuring out how to upload and download my newly created Amp model to ToneNET.
I'm actually satisfied how it turned out and the accuracy depends on the Modeler training mode you choose. The Default, took almost an hour and Advanced almost 4 hours for a workstation with i9-1300k, processor, 64 GB ram, USB 3.2. While performing this modeling operation, CPU utilization was 32% and 12GB memory usage.
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