76 тысяч подписчиков
262 видео
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 1: Ball Impact on a Plate
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 2: Tensile Test
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 3: Bird Strike Simulation
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 4: Compression Load on Solid Cylinder
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 5: Blast Load on Circular Plate
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 7: Hollow Tube Impact on a Rigid Wall
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 6: Springback Simulation
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 8: Modal Analysis and Stiffened Panels
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 9: Tensile Test with Solid Elements and Variable Thickness Shells
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 10: Three Point Bending of Sandwich Structure with EPS Foam as Core
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 11: Spring-Mass System
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 12: Static and Dynamic Axial Tube Crush
Post Processing Tutorial (with LS-Prepost)
Polymer flow during rotational molding using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 13: Reinforced Concrete and Wrecking Ball
LS DYNA Tutorial: Compression of Cone Structure
High Velocity Impact on Ceramics
Hypervelocity impact: Aluminium Sphere vs Aluminium Block
LS DYNA Tutorial: Model Editing
Rear Underride Crash (Dummy included!): LS-DYNA Simulation vs Real Test
LS DYNA Tutorial: Explosive and Blastwall
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 16: Car Collision - Hatchback vs Pickup Truck
LS-DYNA TUTORIAL 18: Sphere Drop on Water with ALE method