The Talk on 'Savitskiy Museum: Mysteries and Treasures' is organised in support of a charitable #CommunityIntiative Project set up by Kamola Makhmudova (EBRD) in collaboration with British-Uzbek Society (London, UK).
#CommunityIntiative Project is part of ‘COVID-19: Solidarity with Uzbekistan’ campaign. The beneficiary of this fundraising action is Ezgu Amal Foundation (Uzbekistan) providing support to child patients at high risk from COVID-19.
The organisers of this Talk express their gratitude to Marinika Babanazarova for a fascinating insightful talk about the life of a famous art collector and the treasures of Savitskiy Museum based in Nukus (Karakalpakstan).
Project producer: Kamola Makhmudova
Project communication director: Rosa Vercoe