This tutorial shows how to use the Freeze Scan and Time Warper effects (aka Slit Scan effect), which are part of the "Creation Trippy Effects" template for After Effects, available at
The Freeze Scan, aka Time Warp Scan, is a popular filter for phones, but you can now apply and customize it in After Effects. It will scan your footage from one side to another, freezing pixels as it scans. This effect is just one of 100 effects in the Creation Trippy Effects package, which has tons of trippy or psychedelic effects for your footage, and custom, hypnotic animations.
Creation Trippy Effects is a huge collection of mesmerizing and psychedelic effects for Adobe After Effects. Create custom hypnotic animations, or add trippy looks to your footage. With easy-to-use controls, every effect can be customized to create an endless variety of looks.
Creation Trippy Effects is a complete package for professionals and casual YouTubers alike. It features custom titles, trippy design elements for motion design, transition effects for editing, 36 trippy animations, and 28 effects for your HD or 4K footage. Whether you need to imitate what it looks like to be drunk, high, or dizzy, or you just want to create something to blow some minds, this template has you covered.
Watch the Trippy Effects Demo video here: • Creation Trippy Effects - After Effec...