Switch Grocery: https://www.switchgrocery.com/discoun...
Keto Chow: https://2krazyketos.org/Ketochow. (automatically gives you 10% off)
In this video, we’ll talk about the newest Keto Chow Chai Latte Launch and Neha will make 2 Krazy Ketos famous egg coffee - 2 ways.
Neha from SwitchGrocery interviews Joe and Rachel from 2 Krazy Ketos. They call themselves the average, middle age mom and dad, who have adopted a low carb lifestyle and are making it more accessible to their community. They create recipe videos, product reviews and honest discussions about various low carb topics.
This video is for you if:
1. You like Chai and Coffee flavours
2. You’re interested in Keto Chow Shakes or 2 Krazy Ketos (YouTubers – Rachel & Joe)
3. Want to know all about the newest flavour from Keto Chow – Chai Latte!
Bonus: are curious about Egg Coffee because Neha is going to make and try one for the very first time!
Redmond life link: http://bit.ly/Redmondsalt2kk
(use code "2krazyketos" for 15% off
Keto-Pa-Lou-za 2023 https://www.ketopalouza.com. (use code 2kk for $20 off)
Keto Orlando Summit: https://www.ketoorlandosummit.com/buy....
(use code 2kk for 10% off)
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Mailing Address: Joe & Rachel Stauffer c/o 2 krazy ketos
5379 Lyons Rd, 609
Coconut Creek, FL. 33073
Get your labs done (5% discount): https://2krazyketos.org/ownyourlabs
Our Favorite Kitchen Appliances:
Harvest Right Freeze Dryer: https://2krazyketos.org/HarvestRight
Cosori 6 tray dehydrator: https://amzn.to/3j7Uf5y
JVR Chamber Vac : https://2krazyketos.org/JVR. (2krazyketos for $100 off)
Anova Precision Oven: https://2krazyketos.org/Anvoa
Berkey water filter: https://bit.ly/2kkberkey (2krazyketos for 7% off)
Meat Your Maker Products: https://2krazyketos.org/meat
Products we use on a regular basis:
Perfect Keto:: http://bit.ly/perfectketo2kk (krazyketos20 for 20% off)
Redmond Real Salt: http://bit.ly/Redmondsalt2kk (2krazyketos for 15% off)
LMNT: https://bit.ly/LMNT2kk
Keto Brick: https://bit.ly/Ketobrick
Porking Good: https://bit.ly/2kkPorkingGood (2krazyketos for 10% off)
Carnivore Crisps: https://bit.ly/2kkCarnivore
Primal Kitchen: https://2krazyketos.org/Primal (2krazyketos for 10% off)
ChocZero products: https://bit.ly/2kkchocolate ( 2krazyketos for 10% off)
Equip Protein Powder: http://equipfoods.com/2krazyketos (2krazyketos for 15% off)
Ice Chips: https://bit.ly/icechips2kk
Super Coffee: https://glnk.io/3q86/2krazyketos15
keto krate: https://glnk.io/mrp/2krazyketos (2KRAZYKETOS for $10 off)
Lolli's: https://lollisclusters.com?ac=2krazyketos (2krazyketos for 10%off)
Smartcakes: https://bit.ly/2UpFg4S (2krazyketos for 10% off)
Kettle & Fire https://bit.ly/kettleandfire2kk (use code 2krazyketos for 15% off)
Fox Hill Kitchen: http://bit.ly/foxhill2kk (Use code 2krazyketos for 15% off)
Cronometer: https://bit.ly/2u5Lix2
BioCoach ketone tester: http://bit.ly/2W1gPMD (2krazyketos for 10% off meter kit)
Keto Mojo, use this link for 15% off your meter: https://bit.ly/2kkmojo
The Keto Box: . (2krazyketos for 15% off your first box)
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