This is a crash course on Kubernetes in Telegu. It covers following topics.
00:45 What is Kubernetes?
16:28 Architecture of Kubernetes?
46:22 Kubernetes Cluster Setup
01:02:14 Pods, Deployments & Replicasets
01:42:51 Kubernetes Services
02:25:17 Ingress and Ingress Resources
02:59:50 ConfigMaps & Secrets
03:30:25 Namespaces
03:50:41 Persistent Volumes & Persistent Volume Claims
04:19:01 Statefulsets
04:52:55 HPA, CA, Daemonsets, Jobs, ResourceQuotas & LimitRanges
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For terraform full course in telugu
• Terraform Full Course in 3 Hours (In ...
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Watch this till the end to understand the technology in easy way.
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