50 тысяч подписчиков
157 видео
Lab9 Terraform with Azure DevOps
01 - What is Terraform - Introduction (In Telugu)
07 What are Terraform Modules? Terraform modules in Telugu.
What is Network Security Group(NSG) & Application Security Group(ASG) in Azure?
02 Powershell Basics - Get-Command
Terraform Full Course in 3 Hours (In Telugu)
Azure Admin / AWS Admin / Cloud Engineer Roles and Responsibilities
09 What are Terraform Locals or Local Variables? (In Telugu)
02 What is a Container? (In Telugu)
Docker Full Course in 5 Hours (in Telugu)
08 Powershell Basics - Powershell ISE
11 Troubleshooting Docker Containers - Container Logs, Restart Policies
07 What is Dockerfile? and How to build a docker image? (In Telugu)
Lab8 - SonarCloud Integration with Azure DevOps CICD Pipelines - What is SonarCloud
09 Powershell Baiscs - CmdLet vs Function
8. What are Kubernetes PersistentVolumes and VolumeClaims?
Azure DevOps in Telugu New Batch starts on 22ndAug 2024
Module 1 - Azure Interview Prep Course - Virtual Networks
6. What is Kubernetes Ingress? Kubernetes Ingress Controller | NGINX ingress controller
Lab 11 YAML Pipeline in Azure DevOps with AKS, ACR and Azure SQL
Lab7 - Using Github with Azure Devops CI/CD Pipelines - Node.js project with Azure Devops
02 - Architecture and Components of Kubernetes
What is YAML? How to write YAML? YAML Syntax in 15 mins.
11 - Azure in Telugu - Virtual Networks - Routing Tables and VNet Peering
What is DevOps and What is AzureDevOps (in Telugu)
12 - Azure in Telugu - Virtual Networks - Service Endpoints and Private Endpoints
6. What are Kubernetes ConfigMaps & Kubernetes Secrets?
04 - What are Terraform Variables - Azure Infra Deployment using Terraform Variables
05 What is Terraform Statefile? What is Terraform State? How to restore terraform statefile?
5. What are Kubernetes Services?
Azure Free Trial Setup
17 Deploy AKS (Azure Kubernetes) with Terraform - Use case 4
11 - What are Terraform Functions? (In Telugu)
4. What is a Pod? What is a Deployment? What is a ReplicaSet in Kubernetes?
10 What is Terraform Import? How to import existing infra into statefile?
9. What are Kubernetes Statefulsets?
Lab 10 Azure DevOps End 2 End Project with AKS, ACR and Azure SQL
Coding in DevOps? What is SDLC? What is Agile?
02 - Components and Terminology of Terraform (in Telugu)
Which DevOps Tool to Learn? Azure DevOps/AWS DevOps/GCP DevOps/GitLab/Jenkins?
14 Terraform - How to deploy multiple vms example - Count (In Telugu)
12 What is Docker Swarm? Comparision with Kubernetes.
10. Kubernetes Daemonsets, Jobs, HPA, CA, ResourceQuota, & LimitRange. Very important concepts.
7. What are Kubernetes Namespaces?
DevOps Engineer - Roles and Responsibilities (In Telugu)
16 Powershell Basics - Objects
What is Git? Understand Git in 20mins.
04 What is Docker Image or Container Image? (In Telugu)
01 - What is Kubernetes? (in Telugu)
DevOps Interview Questions (In English) - Part1
Kubernetes Full Course in 5.5 Hours (in Telugu)