In this video I want to go over how I earned 1 Million Silver in an hour gathering in the Yellow Zone. This is my personal best in yellow zone gathering so far! Normally I average around 700k - 800k per hour Ore, Stone & Woodcutting in Croker hill.
I’d also like to answer some commonly asked questions and suggestions I received on my previous gathering videos as well. Timestamps will be in the description below. Let’s get started.
#1. Spec/Gathering Bonuses/Location
#2. Gear/Mount
#3. Why I gather in YZ vs. RZ/BZ
- I gather in YZ bc I enjoy it’s relaxing
- I can use T8 and avalonian tools without fear of losing them
- Decently profitable
- One of my main goals is to see the true Maximum amount of Silver I can get Gathering in a Yellow Zone
#4. Faction Flagging
- Good suggestion from the Community and gives me about 100K+ silver extra in my hour session.
- I Learned going into Mists deactivates the Faction Flag
#5. Strategy
- I decided to Spec up Ore Gathering first bc I figured most players would be focusing on gathering Martlock’s primary resource stone. So less competition for me.
- First I make sure I’m faction flagged
- I use my Pork Pie once I reach my destination.
- Gauge level of gathering competition based on remaining Ore in T5 Ore nodes 0 very high, 1 high, 2 medium, 3 or less is low.
- T5 nodes regenerate charges every 12 to 38 minutes
- Make note of rock formations with high density Ore. Higher probability that one node in the area may turn into an enchanted Rare or Exceptional Node.
- Make note of depleted enchanted nodes so I can check back on them every few minutes. I gather in the nearby vicinity while the node has a Rare or Exceptional enchantment on it.
#6. Results
#7. Future Goals
- Now that I’ve maxed refining on this character I want to pump all future LP into Ore, Stone & Wood Gathering. Right now I am at T8 Ore & Stone, but only T6 Wood Gathering.
- Using the strategies mentioned before I want to see the true Max profit I can earn in an hour gathering in a yellow zone.
- 1 Million is my personal best but the crazy thing is I didn’t even find any tomes this time. Usually I will find 1-2 tomes which total anywhere from 70K silver each profit to 150K each.
- So in an ideal circumstance this could have easily been a 1.3 Million Silver run
00:00 - Intro
00:41 - #1. Spec/Gathering Bonuses/Location
03:52 - #2. Gear/Mount
05:40 - #3. Why I gather in YZ vs. RZ/BZ
06:55 - #4. Faction Flagging
07:53 - #5. Strategy
16:07 - #6. Results
17:45 - #7. Future Gathering Goal
#albiononline #solo #gathering