How Much Silver Can We Make Crafting Tier 4 Leather Jackets!? | Albion Online 2023

Опубликовано: 21 Март 2025
на канале: Indie Progress Plays Albion

It has been a month since I started crafting leather jackets. I wanted to share my current progress, spreadsheet and future goals for this character. Crafting is a bit more complex with the added variable of Quality so I decided to get an average profit per craft based on the cost and chance of getting x Quality per Leather jacket type.

I'll be honest this is much more expensive than increasing spec on Refining Hide or Refining Stone. I am just now making a profit after not even breaking even for most of my first month.

I believe Crafting Equipment can be extremely profitable at high specs, but require a lot of market knowledge (supply/demand) as well as Learning Points and Silver to get your spec up there in the first place. However, once you are an end game crafter you are looking at at least 100M+ minimum every month with minimal effort.

Thanks for watching!

0:00 - Intro
5:25 - Spreadsheet
5:50 - Pricing Tab
7:45 - Specs & Focus Cost Efficiency
8:40 - Quality
10:56 - Which Jackets Provide Most Profit?

Spreadsheet (Make a copy to use):

#AlbionOnline #Crafting #LeatherJackets