This is a video on building a Full Stack CRUD Application using MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js). I'll be implementing the backend with MongoDB as the database, and Express.js and Node.js for creating REST APIs. For the frontend, I'll use React.js and Bootstrap for the UI, along with React-hot-toast for pop-ups.
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MERN STACK Series : • MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, ...
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TimeStamps :
00:00 - Introduction to MERN STACK Application
01:35 - Setup Server & Install Dependencies
05:40 - Connect Express.js with MongoDB
11:40 - Create Folder Structure
12:50 - Insert Data into MongoDB Database
24:05 - Get All Users from Database (GET HTTP)
27:35 - Get User By ID (GET HTTP)
31:30 - Update User By ID (PUT HTTP)
36:13 - Delete User By ID (DELETE HTTP)
39:14 - Create React App
45:09 - Create User Table using BootStrap
53:31 - Using Font Awesome Icons
58:16 - Display Data using Axios GET
1:06:07 - Configure React-Router-Dom
1:10:45 - Create Add User Form
1:22:40 - Send Data to Database (Axios POST)
1:30:32 - Setup React-Hot-Toast
1:34:21 - Update User Data (Axios PUT)
1:46:09 - Delete User Data (Axios DELETE)
1:54:21 - Outro
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