TONY ROBBINS: Reprogramming Your Mind [Part 1]

Опубликовано: 04 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Self Improvement TV

Tony Robbins: HOW TO REPROGRAM YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND: SIX TIPS: Now that you're feeling strong and determined, it's time to start doing good things that will retrain your mind to be sure of itself.


We can't get what we want in life because of what we think. They can be based on what has happened in the past, bad things that have happened to you, or a wrong idea of what will happen in the future. When you talk about these beliefs and question how true they are, you can replace them with more helpful ones. What does this look like? It could be changed to "I deserve a healthy relationship with someone I love" instead of "My parents got divorced, so it's in my genes not to have a happy relationship." When you change the way you talk to yourself, you change your life.


We don't have control over life; all we can do is choose how to act and what to do next. When we accept this idea, we give ourselves back the power to change our lives and retrain our minds. Give up the need to know everything and enjoy the beauty of not knowing. When we focus on choosing trust, giving without thinking about what we'll get in return, and living consciously, we can let go and enjoy the journey.


When you choose appreciation and gratitude over criticism and fear, you put the spotlight on the good. This changes your brain so that you pay more attention to what you have and less attention to what you don't. It also makes you less suspicious of the things that happen to you, so you can be interested in them. You can welcome change and let it in, knowing that life is always changing.


When reprogramming your brain for success, you should limit the number of negative things around you. Your subconscious mind is always taking in information from the outside world and using it to form beliefs that affect how you think and act. Negativity in the news, from toxic people, and on social media can have a big effect on your subconscious mind, even if you don't realise it.

As you try to figure out how to retrain your mind, keep in mind that closeness is power. Put yourself around positive, helpful people. Find books, videos, and music that make you feel good and give you power. Over time, you will notice that your subconscious mind is more positive and encouraging and that negative thoughts have become much less common.


Don't you remember the video Tony made about the basketball players? Through visualisation, they learned how to change the way their minds worked. By picturing the perfect free throw over and over again in their minds, they were able to train their brains to make those shots when they were on the court.

How does your ideal day play out? How would you like your big work presentation to go? What do you want your first date to be like? Choose something you really want to make happen and spend 10–15 minutes a day imagining it has already happened. Your subconscious mind will take in the feelings in your images as if they were real, giving you the inner confidence you need to make them come true.


Biohacking is a way to improve your health and well-being through experimentation and technology. Biohacking can include things like using red light therapy to improve your health, following an intermittent fasting plan to lose weight, or taking supplements to boost your health. By using the power of music, you can use biohacking to change the way your mind works. Our brainwaves react differently to different kinds of music, and the right beats can make us feel a certain way.

To get into a certain state of mind, binaural beats use two tones with different frequencies. It has been shown that our subconscious minds take in more information when we are relaxed, so you can use binaural beats to make your alpha brainwaves happen.