On 17 October, on the occasion of the round table ‘Matera, 10 years of Capital’, dedicated to the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Matera's proclamation as European Capital of Culture 2019, we organised, as partners of the network, a video link with the Secretary General of Culture Next, ŞtefanTeişanu, who outlined the network's objectives and the themes of the conference, and with Beatriz Garcia, Associate Director of the Centre for Cultural Value, who analysed the new challenges for cities wishing to become European Capitals of Culture, 40 years after the institution of this title.
The link was coordinated by Serafino Paternoster, who attended the conference with ECoCNews, a Matera-based online newspaper founded in February 2021 by professionals who worked for Matera European Capital of Culture 2019. ECoCNews, the only newspaper entirely dedicated to the European Capitals of Culture, is now a media partner of Culture Next, contributing to report on its activities.