This "CSS tutorial for beginners" by Simplicode will take you through the concept of CSS rounded corners. In this CSS tutorial, you'll learn about the CSS border property, one of the most important properties when making a web page look more attractive to the user. In addition, you'll also get to know the syntax and usage of CSS Border property. Below are the topics we are going to cover in this CSS tutorial for beginners.
CSS Rounded Corners
What is CSS Border Radius property?
How to use CSS Border Property?
CSS Border radius property for images.
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1️⃣ CSS rounded corner is a feature that allows you to create rounded corners on an HTML element, such as a box, rectangle, or circle. With this feature, you can make your web pages look more visually appealing and add a touch of sophistication to your design.
2️⃣ To create rounded corners, you can use the CSS border-radius property. This property sets the radius of the corners of an element's border. You can set different radii for each corner or use a single value to create rounded corners on all four corners of the element.
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This program will advance your career as a MEAN stack developer. You’ll learn top skills such as MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js (“MEAN”), plus GIT, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build and deploy interactive applications and services throughout this Full Stack MEAN Developer program. Full Stack Web Developer Mean Stack course provides complete knowledge of software development and testing technologies such as JavaScript, Node.js, Angular, Docker, and Protractor. You'll build an end-to-end application, test and deploy code, and store data using MongoDB.
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How do I become a MEAN stack developer?
In order to become a MEAN stack developer, you will need to have a working knowledge of software development tools, databases, testing tools, and frameworks. You should be able to work as part of a scrum team—following agile methods, building, testing, and delivering features.
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