This "Implementation of Queues Using Array" tutorial by Simplicode will help you understand and learn how to implement a queue data structure using an array as the underlying data structure. The queues implementation using arrays is a technique whereby all operations supported by the Queues are carried out using an array as the fundamental data structure. In addition, You will learn about the Queueoperations such as Enqueue and Dequeue and how they work in array implementation. Furthemore, we will also cover the demo with complete C++ code example to demonstrate how an array is used to implement Queues with all the operations taking place using an array. Overall, by end of the session this tutorial will give you a good understanding of how to use arrays to create and manipulate queue data structure, as well as the limitations and benefits of array implemenation of Queues
Following are the Topics Covered in this Tutorial:
00:00 Introduction to Queues and Arrays
How to implement queues using arrays?
Practical Demonstration and Implementation using c++
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👉What is Queue in Data Structure?
Queue in data structure is an abstract data type that follows the FIFO principle for insertion and deletion. The item that enters the queue at first leaves the queue first, and the item that enters at last will definitely get removed at the end. While developing applications that work on the FCFS approach, it is widely implemented, for example, ready queue in time scheduling algorithms. The queue is also implemented in cases where applications don't need a synchronous transfer of data. Thus, a queue is an important data structure.
👉Various Operations in Queue Data Structures?
• ENQUEUE: is used to insert a new element to the queue at the rear end. We can insert elements in the queue till there is space in the queue for adding more elements. Inserting elements beyond capacityof the queue will result in an exception known as Overflow.
• DEQUEUE: is used to remove one element at a time from the front of the queue. We can delete elements from a queue until it is empty, trying to delete an element from an empty queue will result in exception - known as Underflow.
• IS EMPTY : used to check whether the queue has any element or not, so as to avoid Underflow exception while performing dequeue operation.
• IS FULL : used to check whether any more elements can be added to the queue or not, to avoid Overflow exceptions while performing enqueue operation.
✅Learn more about Data structure, checkout the playlist : • Data Structures
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