Traversal in Circular Doubly Linked List | Searching in Circular Doubly Linked List | SimpliCode

Опубликовано: 04 Октябрь 2024
на канале: SimpliCode

This "Traversal and Searching in Circular Doubly Linked List" Tutorial will help you understand and learn how to traverse a circular doubly linked list, starting from either the head or tail node, and visiting each node until you reach the desired element. Traversal in a linked list refers to the process of visiting every node in the list exactly once, either in a forward or backward direction. Furthermore, You will also learn how to search for a specific element in a circular doubly linked list by iterating through the list and comparing each node's data with the target value. This Data Structure Tutorial For Beginners will demonstrate a theoretical explanation of the syntax and a practical demonstration of the searching and traversing a Circular doubly linked list for a better learning experience using C++ Language.

The following are the topics covered in this Tutorial:

00:00 Introduction to Circular Doubly Linked List(CDL)
01:30 Practical Demonstration of Traversal operation in CDL
16:15 How to perform Searching in a Circular Doubly Linked List

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