Export data to Excel by extracting from MSSQL Server 2022 tables using Kotlin

Опубликовано: 12 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Subhroneel Ganguly

Export data to Excel by extracting from MSSQL Server 2022 tables using Kotlin

This is a program written in Kotlin to connect to MSSQL Server 2022 DB and extract table data and export to Excel. Dependend library apache poi and jtds jdbc driver is been used.
There is a small typo in 11:12 it will be encrypt not encrypr. Though it is optional, not adding will not affect the connection

01:23 Creating a Kotlin Project with Maven Dependency in Intellij Idea IDE
03:43 Add jtds jdbc library for MSSQL connection and apache poi into library and install using maven.
07:43 Write the code
27:40 Execute the code and check the Excel output files

Git link of source code for Excel export: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sub...