Wrapping up the functionality of their Next.js application, Brian and Aurooba look at CRUD operations: how to create, read, update, and delete (ok, maybe not delete) data by using Supabase as a database. They talk about structuring your database, when to update state while saving data, dynamic pages in Next.js and more.
A full transcript of the episode is available on the website. Watch the video podcast on YouTube and subscribe to our channel and newsletter to hear about episodes (and more) first!
Supabase - https://supabase.com/
Next.js - https://nextjs.org/
WP Audit - https://wpaudit.site/
Brian's website – https://www.briancoords.com
Aurooba's website – https://aurooba.com
00:00:00 Intro - What is CRUD
00:04:52 Supabase
00:08:47 Frontend Preview
00:10:22 Our Bug and Async Data Effects
00:14:46 Architecting Databases and Structure
00:23:00 File structure and dynamic routes
00:24:59 Client and Server Components for Supabase
00:30:04 When to visually show data
00:34:40 Planning vs Building First
00:36:21 Queries in Components
00:40:39 Planning for Database Migrations
00:42:55 Next Episode Preview