This video is about how to make your Word, Excel or Power Point Presentations secure with password.
Microsoft word, excel, PowerPoint are the most common applications used in today's world for documentation and presentation. So we make different documents and some of them may be confidential that you don't wish to have access to others. So today we are going to learn how to make your word and excel or PPTs secure with password.
Create a Sample Word/Excel/PPT. Save it anywhere on your system. Go to the File option from Top Left corner.
Select Info option and then from the drop down of "Protect Document" select Encrypt With Password.
This will open a window asking you to enter the password. Enter the password you like and click on OK.
Now re-enter the password for confirmation and click on OK.
Close the document and make sure you save it before closing.
Now go to the location where the file is saved and try to open it. It will ask you to enter the password. So this way your created document is now secure with password. In order to open it you need to enter the same password you set while creating it.
This method is same for Word, Excel, PPTs. Now in order to remove the password once you think that there is no need of security for this document, just go to the same options "File", "Info", "Protect Document", "Encrypt With Password".
Here you can see that the filed is not empty. It contains the password which you have set initially. So just clear the filed and click on OK. That's it. Its now not password protected.
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